Friday, May 18, 2007

Spencer is a Cool Dude

A few weeks ago Marc and I were upstairs when we started hearing giggleing downstairs from the boys. Not the "we are happy and playing together and laughing" type of giggleing, but the "Oh, this is reaaaaaaaly funny, but shhhhhhhhh! Quiet! We don't want them to know what we are up too" type of giggeling. This had me worried. Really worried as this is never a good thing! The last time I heard that kind of giggeling Marc found both Ty and Blake squeezing blue toothpaste out all over their bathroom. So, worried little me gets to the top of the stairs and suddenly my heart is in my throat as I can see both Ty and Blake hovering around Spencer who last time I checked was sleeping in his swing. The good news is I can tell he is not out of his swing, and he is not screaming, so I calm down a little. I say in my best "mom" voice "What are you two doing?" Ty and Blake turn around and I can finally see Spencer, who looks like this: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket And Ty announces proudly "Spencer is a cool dude Mom!" So now that I can breath, I yell to Marc that he has to come and see this. We both have a good laugh, and I snap a few pictures before I free poor Spencer from his "coolness." Thank goodness it was just sunglasses. With my boys, I happen to know I got off lucky this time.


  1. that is so funny! i'm just waiting to see what kind of stuff my girlies do to #3. hopefully it will all be as innocent as sunglasses, but with mya around, that may be wishful thinking!

  2. That is too funny... I wonder what Spencer was thinking after his world was colored blue.

  3. teehee, too funny ginger. he looks so stinkin cute :-)

  4. Great photo Ginger.

  5. Warms an auntie's heart. I love it that Ty still says, "Cool dude!"
